Crate extprim_literals [] [src]

Literal macros for extprim.

This crate provides a compiler plugin (on nightly) or syntex extension (on stable) so that the extprim types can be constructed at compile-time using the i128!() and u128!() macros.

Setup as compiler plugin (nightly)

Add extprim_literals to the dev-dependencies in Cargo.toml:

extprim_literals = "1.0.0"

Then just use the plugin:


use extprim::u128::u128;

const TEN: u128 = u128!(10);

Setup as syntex extension (stable)

Supply a, and add syntex and extprim_literals to the build-dependencies in Cargo.toml:

build = ""

extprim_literals = "1.0.0"
syntex = "0.31.0"

Register extprim_literals to syntex in

extern crate syntex;
extern crate extprim_literals;

use syntex::Registry;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let mut registry = Registry::new();
    extprim_literals::register(&mut registry);

    let src = Path::new("src/");
    let dst = Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("");

    registry.expand("extprim_literals", &src, &dst).unwrap();

Use the macros in src/

use extprim::u128::u128;

const TEN: u128 = u128!(10);

Include the expanded file in src/

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));



Creates a signed 128-bit integer at compile time. The content can be any integer literals supported by Rust, e.g.


Creates an unsigned 128-bit integer at compile time. The content can be any integer literals supported by Rust, e.g.



Register the extprim_literals macros to the syntex registry.